organic packaging analysis

sarahs-organic-packagingThe packaging of this is very simple, but they have used earthy and organic colours like greens and brows to represent the fact that the products are organic. The text is bold and states what the product is, but is still simple and looks nice. I also think that that the bright green colours from the logos stand out against the plain brown packaging and makes it very eye-catching. They have used an aperture on one pack,and have put the second product in a clear glass jar,so the consumer can see what the product looks like before buying it.The design of the logo also links with nature, and looks organic as they have used a simple plant. Overall, I think that the packaging of this product is very simple, but looks very effective.

img_3886 This packaging has also been kept very simple, as again it’s just a brown paper bag. However, the designs on the packaging are very bright colours, that are again all natural colours(blue like the sky, green like grass etc). I do feel as if this packaging is quite boring, as there isn’t anything that allows you to see the product, there isn’t many pictures, and there is a big chunk of text in the middle. Again, I feel that the company have used brown, maybe recycled packaging to try and get across the fact that all of their products are organic.




I really like this logo, as they have made it look like a tree. It’s very simple, but looks very effective, and in keeping with the whole organic theme.  This company have also used natural and organic colours (green and brown).



The logo for this packaging is also linked to nature, as there is a bird above the a. I think that this packaging will also draw peoples attention to it, because of the illustrations on the front. Again, this packaging is very simple and also made of recycled materials, which goes with the whole organic theme very well.



The logo for this packaging is very simple, and is in the shape of an apple, which links to healthy eating very well. They have stuck with organic and earthy colours, and the design is very simple. There isn’t an aperture on this packaging, however they have instead used a picture of the actual product so the consumer can see what it looks like. The brand name is also ‘the food doctor’ which makes you feel like if you eat their product, then you will be eating healthy.


i really like how there is a pattern made up of vector graphics, as I feel like this makes the packaging better to look at, and is a lot more interesting than most of the other designs I have picked, which are just plain.I also love the use of the colours; green, blues and white, as I think that they look very nice, without looking too much. I think that the logo, and writing on the pack is simple, but effective, as it clearly states the brand name, what the product is, and a little bit about it, rather than having too much detail, or too little.

One thought on “organic packaging analysis

  1. You have analysed these packaging designs rather generally but made good assumptions about the use of colours and the ideal design for logos. Could you now go into a little more depth and make comment on the images/graphics made on these designs as they vary between photography and vector designs. Do any oth these inspire your designs??? You also have not done what I asked which was to analyse 6 separate designs, you must complete homework tasks when asked.


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